Building Massively Multi-Tenant Platforms. Together.

An open source horizontally scalable control plane for Kubernetes-like APIs.

A Framework for Platforms

kcp allows building platforms and SaaS-like services with technology already known to platform engineers: Kubernetes and its API capabilities.

Multi-Tenancy at Scale

Workspaces allow teams to work without interference from others when consuming platform services. Meanwhile, services are implemented as global operators.

Dedicated to Community

kcp is a CNCF Sandbox project and is proud to be part of the community. We value respectful collaboration with contributors and upstream projects above all.

Watch the latest video about kcp

Why Kubernetes is Inappropriate for Platforms, and How to Make it Better. @ KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU 2024

Our Project Goals

Multi-Tenancy for Peace of Mind.

kcp implements fully-isolated workspaces, each acting as its own Kubernetes-like cluster, with its own URL endpoint, its own set of APIs (e.g. different CRDs), its own RBAC, but as cheap and quick as a namespace.

APIs as a Service.

kcp extends Kubernetes’ CRD extension model to an API export mechanism optimized for SaaS service providers offering APIs to thousands or many tens of thousands of user workspaces – Securely and efficiently.

Building Block, Not Walled Garden.

kcp does not replace Kubernetes, but complements it as a backend to host Kubernetes-like APIs as SaaS. It’s a flexible framework for building platforms.

Work at Global Scale.

kcp schedules workspaces to kcp instances called shards, similarly to pods get scheduled to nodes. Our ambitions are to eventually reach 1 million workspaces and 10,000 shards.

Beyond Compute.

kcp intentionally only knows generic APIs, no pods or related resources. Our goal is to build a control plane for form factors beyond container orchestration.

Based on Kubernetes. Not a Fork.

kcp takes full advantage of Kubernetes API conventions, the glue that binds the Cloud Native Native technology ecosystem together and imbues Kubernetes’ popular end-user experience. We live and breath Kubernetes and the community. No compromises.

We ❤️ Collaboration

We develop kcp completely in the open. Everybody is welcome to help making the vision of kcp reality.

Meet us in person in the #kcp-dev channel in Kubernetes Slack. Find our code on GitHub.

Grid of contributors on GitHub

We have a bi-weekly community meeting: every second Thursday at 11am EST (5pm CET). Join us live! Agenda and next dates are available as a Google doc. You can also find upcoming meetings on our CNCF community page. For past meetings, see the recordings on YouTube.